Call for Proposals
Second International Conference
PEA – Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts
nonviolence - conflict resolution - well-being - creativity
5-6-7 September 2024, Meran-o, South Tyrol, Italy
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the second international conference PEA – Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts in Meran-o, Italy. The conference will be hosted by the Academy of Italian-German Studies and the Centre for Culture and will be held in three languages (English, German and Italian). It is organised as a convivial space and will bring together researchers and practitioners on forms of educational dialogue, particularly between the German and Italian-speaking regions, but will also be open to other international and intercultural experiences.
PEA explores pedagogy in an ecological dimension as a link between humans and nature, in which the arts can initiate an effective synthesis.
The three topics underpinning the conference are:
● Pedagogy: education is the focus of the conference, especially in its inclusive, empowering and developmental sense.
● Ecology: ecological thinking implies a systemic perspective of education that connects experiences, lives and systems (places, institutions, classrooms…).
● Arts: we aim for a qualitative inquiry that incorporates artistic processes and creativity into the experiential-aesthetic dimension to understand and articulate the inter-subjectivity of human experience.
Theme of the 2024 Conference
In contemporary society, the models that seem to prevail, both in political narratives and media communication, follow a conflictual, divisive logic that seems essential to a system that must interpret the other as the enemy in order to generate feelings of fear to motivate otherwise problematic decisions. The result, inevitably, is that destructive dynamics prevail over vital ones, dynamics that are only too familiar: Wars, violence, social injustice, marginalisation, exclusion, migration, climate change and systemic challenges call for collective reflection on desirable and achievable future goals with regard to possible forms of coexistence between people and nature. Educational processes – including formal and informal education – are crucial for a paradigm shift and the building of peaceful worlds in everyday social practice, schools and communities. In all contexts (institutional and non-institutional), it is becoming increasingly important to develop and implement new ideas and approaches for peace – in its ecological and relational dimensions at local, national and supranational levels.
We want to redraw the boundaries to actively create places and projects for peace. During the PEA conference we aim to stimulate a shared reflection on peace in a very broad sense, including topics such as non-violence, desirable polis, better future, creative conflict resolution, peaceful coexistence, hope, dialogue, resilience, conviviality, activism, resistance, and personal as well as shared responsibility. Critical and engaged pedagogy, ecology and arts-based research can provide a framework in which individual and collective learning as well as specific contexts are interrelated as a system for defining and enacting peace. The keynotes will help to characterise the concept of peace in its various forms within the PEA orientation framework.
The main questions we will address together are: What is peace? What work on oneself is necessary to be a bearer, builder, “maker” of peace? How can we create a peaceful environment? How can peace be imagined, perceived, fostered, and lived in an educational relationship and environment? What can pedagogy, ecology and the arts do specifically for peace? How can we become aware of implicit conflict patterns? What intra- and inter-subjective mediation possibilities are there? How can we live in peace and create peace?
In order to promote a multitude of approaches and experiences, we welcome theoretical reflections, empirical research and educational experiences aimed at identifying the plurality of factors that contribute to building peace. In particular, we invite inter- and transdisciplinary research teams, scholars, PhD students, as well as practitioners (artists, educators, school teachers, policy makers, civil society, citizen groups) working on specific pedagogical challenges related to peace through education, ecology and the arts.
Keywords: peace; pedagogy; ecology; arts; hope; active citizenship; conviviality; resilience; living together; social justice; conflict resolution; non-violence; resistance; desirable polis; creativity; better future; well-being
Possible contributions may include: finalised research projects, ongoing research (including PhD and post-doctoral research), professional experience, theoretical and practical contributions. Contributions from learning environments, schools, professional educators and educational agencies are particularly welcome.
Types of proposals
● Individual papers (20 minutes + 10 minutes Q & A)
● Workshops (40 minutes + 20 minutes Q & A)
Key dates:
● Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 May 2024
● Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2024
● Early bird registration: 16-30 June 2024
● Basic registration: 1-30 July 2024
● PEA conference: 5-6-7 September 2024
● Submission of complete contributions for publication: 15 December 2023
1. The deadline for submissions is MAY 31, 2024
2. Abstract(s) may only be submitted via this form.
3. Abstract(s) must include:
○ a title, limited to 20 words
○ full name, institution and email address of all authors
○ 3 to 5 keywords
○ a text not exceeding 400 words, excluding title and references
○ references
4. Acceptance will be notified via email by 15 June. Upon notification of acceptance, lead authors will be invited to pay their conference fee and register on the conference platform. Co-authors of accepted abstracts attending the conference are also required to pay the conference fee.
5. Abstracts must be in English. PPT/PDF presentations must also be in English. Multilingual options may be accepted for the oral presentationmay be admitted for the oral presentation, according to convenors’ preferences.
6. All abstracts will be published in the PEA – Conference Book of Abstracts prior to the conference.
7. Participants will have the opportunity to develop their accepted abstracts into full papers if they pass the review process. The book, edited by the conference organisers, will be published in Open Access (ISNB and DOI). Contributions must be submitted in Italian, German or English, the languages of the conference.
Fees for participation in the conference (including coffee breaks and snacks; lunch and dinner are not included)
● School teachers, educators, artists, civil society, free researchers (speakers)
Early bird (from 16-30 June 2024): 90 €
Basic (from 1-30 July 2024): 120 €
● Academics (speakers)
Early bird (from 16-30 June 2024): 140 €
Basic (from 1-30 July 2024): 180 €
● Students, school teachers, educators… (listeners only)
Free participation (except meals and coffee breaks)
subject to registration confirmed by the organisers (
The venues for the PEA conference: Villa San Marco at 1 Innerhofer Street in Meran-o, which has been home to the Academy of Italian-German Studies since 1949 and to EUPHUR – Euregio Platform for Human Dignity and Human Rights since 2016. Another venue for workshops and events is the nearby Centre for the Culture at 1 Cavour Street, which has been home to the Centre for Research in Arts and Theater CRAT since 2010.
Other events and presentations may take place at different locations in the city of Meran-o and will be announced in the final programme.
Further information can be obtained via the conference website:
For all other questions, please contact
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